Specific Event Rules

Everything you need to know about the event rules

Important Hotel Rules

  • Norbreck has the right to eject from their premises, without refund, any guest that breaks their hotel rules or who uses threatening or abusive behaviour towards their staff. We have no control over the hotel decision to evict a guest. No refunds will be given. 
  • Team captains are responsible for the behaviour of their players and spectators in the arena AND hotel premises. Players or teams that misbehave, or are reported to us by the hotel, risk being ejected from hotel and disqualified from the tournament. Serious offenders will be banned from future events.
  • Only drinks purchased at the hotel bar can be consumed in the arena – please do not bring your own alcohol into the arena. Stewards will check those entering the event for alcohol. Those found drinking their own alcohol risk being ejected from arena.
  • It is a criminal offence to set off a false fire alarm, or move / play with firefighting equipment within the hotel. Any player or guest caught doing this will be reported to the police and ejected from the hotel and their team disqualified from the tournament. They will be liable to prosecution and banned from all future Golden 8 Ball and BAPTO events. The hotel has CCTV and perpetrators will be caught and arrested. This is very serious and the hotel and tournament do not treat offenders lightly.
  • Fire exit doors in arena are not to be used for smoking – they are for emergency use only. These are rules of the hotel.
  • Players staying Half Board at the Norbreck are responsible for booking their own evening mealtimes at hotel reception.
  • Please be careful when walking in the arena, as spilt drinks can make the floor very slippery. Please report any spilled drinks to staff or referees.
  • Players can book a time in advance or turn-up and wait to be seated.
  • The Organisers are not responsible for players that fail to get their meal and no refunds will be given.

Tournament Rules

  • All teams are required to use our new online scoring system to create their match sheets and input their results, frame by frame, using their smart phones. Each Captain will be given their own login details at the event. Our staff are on hand to help.
  • A paper results slip must be completed for each match, and signed by the Captains. This result will be used if a dispute with the online result arises. If the wrong result has been submitted online, please report to Top Table who can edit the result.
  • Late start penalty: 1 frame may be docked for every five minutes a team is late for the start of their match. Tournament times are decided by the tournament clock on Top Table. Docked frames are at the discretion of the referees and Top Table, depending on circumstances of a team being late for their match.
  • If a team fails to show for a match in the group stages, then that group does not play more frames.  Instead, the teams automatically win their match against the no-show team. 
  • Players must be available when called to the table – team Captains should ensure their players are ready to play when their turn is due. Failure to be at table results in loss of frame – i.e. going for a cigarette break during a team match when you are due to play.
  • Round Robin stage: Each group will be allocated two tables and play all their matches in one session, with one match per table, so all teams in group play at the same time. When one match finishes in a group, the other match must use both tables to achieve a quicker result, especially if the match is running behind schedule.
  • Amateur 3 Player teams must aim to play a match within 1hour 30min – 10 minutes per frame.
  • Pro/Am 4 Player teams should aim to play a match within 2 hours – 10 minutes per frame.
  • Slow or negative play may result in the shot clock, match moved to multiple tables or 9 ball racks being imposed. A ‘slow play’ warning will usually be given first. After 10 mins, 30 sec shot rule can apply. After 15 mins, a new 15 sec shot rule can be applied.
  • Positioning Cue Ball – players may now use the shaft of their cue to position the cue ball BUT THEY MUST NOT use the tip or ferrule of the cue. Using the tip of the cue to position the cue ball will be considered a shot, and result in a foul. We recommend players always use their hand to position cue ball, to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • Cue ball can go anywhere behind the bulk line during a penalty shootout.
  • Do not enter singles qualifiers unless you are in the arena. Players called who are not present, will automatically lose their match with no possibility of re-entry. Do not enter the flyers until you have played all your singles matches. No refunds for players that fail to show for their match.
  • Players wanting to enter flyers must have a players wristband. Flyers are only open to those participating in the event
  • Penalty Shootout – Teams not present at end of a match for a penalty shootout will be decided by the toss of a coin. If one team is present, then the other team loses by default. This is to stop any delay of the draw.
  • There is a penalty shoot out score card available from Top Table that details the rules and order of play.
  • Cue ball can be placed anywhere behind the baulk line for a penalty shootout.
  • Any team reported at the event for breaking the team entry criteria rules will be investigated but for borderline cases, we will not take action during the event, unless it is blatant, undisputable rule breaking that gives the team a clear advantage. Team data is purposely made public to allow teams to be reported in advance of the event, so any issues can be sorted in fair and reasonable manner. Any team found to be purposely cheating in an attempt to win the prize fund will be disqualified and banned from future events.
  • Please do not touch the pool table lights or bulbs. Call a member of staff if a light needs adjusting.

Dress Code & Conduct:

  • Players must behave in a sportsmanlike manner and play within the spirit of the game. Rude, threatening or aggressive behaviour towards staff or other players will not be tolerated and offending players or teams risk being disqualified from tournament and banned from future events.
  • Dress Code: Players must look smart in formal wear and have a shirt with a collar whilst playing in any main event. Jeans, trainers, tracksuits, combat pants, studs & patch pockets, casual shorts, denim, collarless shirts, t-shirts, fancy dress, baseball caps or any scruffy attire will not be permitted. Trousers, chinos, skirts, tailored shorts, leggings, shoes, black trainers, wedges, heels are acceptable. Being unsuitably dressed when called to table may result in immediate loss of frame. Referee may allow a match to finish where blatant rule breaking has not happened – i.e studs or patch pockets, but the offending player must get changed before their next match. Exceptions to the dress code for medical reasons etc can be made, but must be agreed with organises before match starts. Players will be given a medical exception card to carry with them throughout the weekend.
  • Players and guests must wear their wristbands at all times in the arena. Those without a wristband will be asked to purchase one or leave. Players must wear their wristband to play in the Thursday qualifiers.

In an event of a dispute, the organiser’s decision is final – players or teams that continue to dispute the organiser’s decision, risk being disqualified from the tournament. Any complaints must be made in writing after the event. Organisers reserve the right to give players an exception to the team entry criteria rules at any time and to change the tournament format, schedule or rules at any time.