Accepted teams

Pro-Am Series tournament

Teams that have been accepted for the 2023 Pro-Am Series tournament

Any teams suspected of breaking the team entry criteria rules, must be reported to the organisers several weeks before the event starts, so we have time to investigate and allow the team concerned to make any required changes or dispute the accusation.  Any team reported at the event will be investigated but for borderline cases, we will not take action during the event, unless it is blatant, undisputable rule breaking. Team data is purposely made public to allow teams to be reported in advance of the event, so any issues can be sorted in fair and reasonable manner.  Any team found to be purposely cheating will be banned from future events.  


Manager: Chris Wilson

Captain: Chris Wilson

Vice captain: Mark Astbury

Player 3: Lee Oldham

Player 4: Ryan Moore

Optional player 5:

Optional player 6:

Optional player 7:

Optional player 8:

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